Sunday, August 17, 2014

10 reasons to turn off your TV

Please stand by
1) Your life is clicking by you one second at a time. Those goals you had yesterday are still rattling around in your head today. You tell yourself all you need is time. Your missing time with your kids, friends, and loved ones and you still tell yourself you wish you had more time. You do. TURN OFF YOUR TV.
2) TV has always been a way to control the hearts and minds of the masses. The powers that be are using you. They look at you as a mindless consumer/voter/taxpayer. You watch your "Programs" while they program you. TURN OFF YOUR TV.
3) Life is about experiencing it. Your life. Not the lives of mindless idiots who air their dirty laundry for everyone to see, and who you feel you relate to. Lets hope you don't. TURN OFF YOUR TV.
flower girl
4) The news is not informative, and it is not news. It is entertainment, it has always been entertainment, and it is fear based. The news would have you believe that everyone is out to get you, your family, your things, and your freedom... But the reality is the great majority of people are just like you. How could they not be like you! They have TV's and they are feed the same bullshit you are feed everyday. Most people want a little bit of peace and happiness. TURN OFF YOUR TV.
5) Commercials are designed to hit on your emotion centers, and are fear based as well. Buy this crap and you'll be beautiful! Purchase this car and you'll be just like the Jones. You want to be like the Jones don't you? What they don't tell you is that the Jones don't exist and if they did, you would hear about how Mr and Mrs Jones got into a fight and are getting a divorce, and little Bobby Jones is crying himself to sleep at night. There is no competition between you or anyone. And if you think there is... You watch to much TV. TURN OFF YOUR TV. 
6) You were not put on this planet to mindless stare at a box with moving pictures. Consuming and competing with the people around you. But TV tells you to drink the soda/beer, Cheer for this team, or hey did you hear who won on that dancing, or singing show (art is not a competition by the way). Your life is ticking by my friends. Turn the game off and actually throw the football with your kids. In the spirit of camaraderie, and physical fitness. But do it mainly just to spend time with the people you love. TURN OFF YOUR TV.
Tv football
7) You learn very little from watching other people do things. You have to experience things up close and personal while doing them with an open mind. If you want to know how to live off the land, you have to be taught in person while you are doing it. You will not learn how to do that by watching a marathon of Survivor Man Reruns. TURN OFF YOUR TV.
8) "Well I watch TLC, or the History channel." Wanna know how screwed TV is? To actually watch quality shows on those two channels you have to pay for the premium TLC, and History channel. The regular old TLC plays Honey Boo Boo these days. TURN OFF YOUR TV.
9) TV lowers your attention span so much that the average person cannot stay focused for one damn minute these days. And it isn't good for your kids. Little Jimmy is not doing horrible in school because he is a genius and hes bored. Hes doing horrible in school because he watches to much TV (and plays to many damn video games, but that's a whole other blog post) and has the attention span of a jack rabbit on crack! Do little Jimmy a favor, have him go outside and use his imagination. Or god forbid you could have him read a book! TURN OFF YOUR TV.
10) Leaving the TV on when you sleep can alter your dreams! You're not only effected by it when you are awake, but when your sleeping! TV was made to program you into a subservient, tax paying slave. It was made so you don't question, and think for yourself. It was made so you wouldn't see the infinite power and intelligence you hold inside of you just waiting to get out. TURN OFF YOUR TV.
The seconds are clicking by in your life. On average most Americans watch four hours of television a day. 4 hours X 365 = 1460 hours a year. That is roughly 60 days of your life you are devoting to people who tell you what to consume into your body, what to wear, how to act, how to talk, your moral compass etc... Do you not think that the powers that be would take advantage of that?
Think of all the things you could do with that time... You could change your life.

You can find Ernie here on Twitter
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Ernie's short story "A world Without" is free on Amazon for a short time. Get it here A World Without

Thursday, August 14, 2014

A World Without

My short story "A World Without is free on Amazon from now until August 18, 2014.

You can get it for free here for a limited time, or just click the image