I am not a card carrying member of the NRA. I do not salivate when I hear an assault rifle go off. In fact it makes me sick to my stomach. I am what most conservatives would call a liberal, a dirty word in their book. I don't like guns. I don't own a gun, and I never want one in my house.
I do think it is a right of any upstanding citizen in their right mind to own a gun, if he or she so chooses. In the wake of all these shootings, people have been talking about guns and how they have been the cause of all of these tragedies. Stop looking at guns, and video games, and media. Start looking at mental health in this country. It is my opinion people have lost a good portion of there empathy towards their fellow man. Empathy is a learned behavior usually and its parents, and mentors responsibility to instill it into young people.
It is not the guns fault if it gets picked up and used to kill innocent people, just as it is not the cars fault if some drunk gets into it and drives into an innocent person. Nor is it the fault of leaders who up hold the 2nd Amendment of the United States. Guns are just dead pieces of steel. They don't do anything unless picked up and used.
People in our society need to wake up to the fact that we have become a bunch of sniveling finger pointers, who will not take responsibility for our own, and our actions. I don't know when our how we lost our way, that's not the point. The point is we have to get back on track. Parents need to find some personal responsibility for their kids. You made them, now teach them. Parenting doesn't stop... ever... Kids need to be taught empathy. It is as simple as that.
I repeat I am not into guns. I do not like them. But it is not my responsibility to get rid of them. It is my responsibility as a citizen to do everything I can to make sure the mentally ill, or angry people do not get their hands on guns.
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