Warning! The Banned books are coming, to fill your mind with Knowledge and free..thinking!
I do not believe in censorship to the masses no matter how bad the book. Information should flow freely. It should never be stopped because of the views of one person, or a group. So here is a list of the ten most banned books ever. And also a list of some of the greatest books ever written!
The adventures of Huck Finn by Mark Twain, was banned in 1885. Not even a year after it was published, for its “course language” (manly slang words) and not for its use of the N word 200 times. Seems to me people had their priorities messed up in 1885. This book has been banned many times since. The most recent being a Tempe Arizona high school having it banned from its reading list in 1998.
Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov Is a story about a pedophile… French officials banned this book for being “obscene.” The author almost destroyed his manuscript, by fire in disgust. You know this book was bad if the books own author wanted to destroy it. But still…
The Catcher in the rye by J.D. Salinger Is a New York Times Bestseller, and a classic, but back in 1960 an English teacher in Tulsa Oklahoma was fired for assigning the book to a 11th grade English class…. What is this Footloose! Another community in Columbus Ohio, said it was “anti-white” Need I say more. The book was also criticized for its use of the slang word “screw up.” And by the way that Holden Caulfield is a bad influence!
Harry potter series by J.K. Rowling, Yup! You heard me correctly. Apparently people in Lewiston Maine found that J.K. Rowling was promoting violence, witchcraft, and devil worship. But they did not get to burn Harry Potter at the stake because of fire codes, so they had to resort to a pair of scissors. Didn't these Northeastern people learn anything from the Salem witch trials. I think Harry Potter promotes imagination, oooohhhhh what a bad thing to have!
The Anarchist cookbook by William Powell, angered government officials, as well as anarchist groups. This book was banned by just about everyone. The really doesn't have anything in it you can’t Google now a days. Powell tried to censor his book later, after he converted to Christianity. In 2000 he wrote on Amazon.com that his book was a “misguided product of my adolescent anger at the prospect of being drafted and sent to Vietnam to fight in a war that I did not believe in.”
I know why the caged bird sings by Maya Angelou, This book was a National Book award winner. People did not like it because Maya pretty much told the truth about racism, sex, and rape. I guess the truth hurts sometimes. She read a poem from the book, for president Bill Clinton’s inauguration, this is something that hadn't been done since Robert Frost read one of his poems for the Kennedy inauguration in 1960, but this book was banned…
Candide by Voltaire, was written in the 18th century, and was not immune to criticism. This book basically makes fun of everyone. Armies, church’s, and philosophers. Probably the most recent banning, would be in the 1930s, when US customs agents seized copies of the book. And then once again in 1944 when the US post Office demanded the book be dropped from the Concord books catalog.
Nineteen eighty-four by George Orwell Is an ironic story of a banned book. Considering the subject matter of the book. It’s about censorship, totalitarianism, a society robbed of its free will, privacy, and truth. Hmmm, how similar to modern society. I consider it George’s last warning to mankind, since he was dying while he wrote it. This book was banned in 1981. The people behind the ban, said the book was “ pro communist.” Showing that they had never read the book. Orwell coined the name “Big Brother.”
The Satanic Verses by Salmon Rushdie, No book in the history of books was more banned, and criticized than the Satanic Verse’s. Rushdie lived in hiding for 10 years because of this book. It sparked riots, and death threats to any one that owned it, or sold it. In Venezuela they put you in prison for 15 months just for possessing it! Walden books and Barnes and Noble stopped selling it because of death threats. You think Christians get mad when someone takes a jab at Jesus, well don’t ever make a jab at the prophet Mohammed…
Brave new world by Aldous Huxley, This is another one of those ironic case’s of people banning a book that mirror’s the society of today. The book speaks of a boring, drugged up, and over stimulated population….. Sex, drugs and suicide run through out this book. The main character is just trying to find a life worth living. This book had censors flicking there Bic lighters, just waiting to set on fire! Why? Because it spoke the truth… In Corona-Norco California people banned it because the book “centered around negativity.” Really…..!
Don’t ever let anybody tell you what you should read, or how you should think! Read and become powerful!