Sunday, April 6, 2014

Right Now

ClockHow many times a day do you tell yourself something isn't possible? Or that dream you have always wanted to fulfill you can start tomorrow? I used to do that a lot. Everyday I would fill my mind with images of the future, and all the cool things I was going to do, or on bad days... Well I am sure you know what those images were like. My mind was either worrying about the future, or living in the past, and totally oblivious to the only reality that you, and I will ever have, RIGHT NOW!
The only time we have in our lives is this present, and perfect moment that is happening right now. That breath you just took, that sip of coffee, that movement of your hand, is all you will ever have. The past is gone, and the future will never be here. Now is all we have. I know you have probably heard that expression before, and you're saying to yourself that you know, but have you ever really thought about it? Right now is all we have. Right now is all there ever was, and all that will be. When we think about what we should have done, or what we want to do, we are losing that moment to actually do something now!
The best time to start your dream, help someone, get into a better relationship, lose weight, spend more time with your kids, or just be happy is right now. A week from now hasn't happened, it will always be a week from now. Your reality is clicking by as you read this, go make your perfect life happen. I'd wish you luck, but you don't need it.

Websites of note

List of inspirational books, and videos

The Universe Doesn't Give a Flying Fuck About You, by Johnny B. Truant THIS BOOK IS FREE ON AMAZON
The universe doesn't
The power of Now, by Eckhart Tolle
The power of now
E-squared, by Pam Grout

Be still, Be calm, And find what you are looking for.

be stillRemember when you were little and your parents would play the game called let's see how silent we can be. Well at least mine did, I was a loud little kid who was always getting into things. Anyway, you would play along for a little while but eventually you would feel like you were going to burst, and the silence would be broken sending you running around the house like your hair was on fire. You had so much curiosity and energy for finding new things that you just couldn't help yourself. This was a good time. Being silent, and calm did not do you much good when you were little, you had nothing to worry about. And if you think about it, you really have nothing to worry about now. Everything you think you should worry about, or "get done" has nothing to do with you. It has to do with everyone else. Being still didn't do anything for you when you were little, but it can do great things for you now.
Have you ever tried to sit still as an adult? And I mean really sit still. Put yourself in a comfortable position, close your eyes, and your mouth and sit for a few minutes, with no distractions, not moving a muscle, all while being fully awake and aware. Most people would say "Oh Ernie you have no idea, that is all I want. Just being able to sit still for a few minutes a day." But what I would say to most people is you can't do it. Go ahead and try. Try to do it for 5 minutes. Empty your mind and sit still. I will wait...
How did it go? Most people can't do it. We can't do it because being still is something you need to practice at.
It's not easy, but it is essential in our daily lives to slow everything down to... a... stand... STILL.
That is a problem that most people have in this age. We are all a bunch of Facebook posting, smart phone using, crazy people twittering ourselves into madness. Never realizing that doing nothing for a few minutes can keep us centered, and more in tune with who and what we really are, and that is humans having this beautiful experience we call life. When is the last time you thought of all that blood running through your veins, or actually thought about... well your thoughts? Why did you think of something? Where did it come from? Why am I even thinking at all? Am I thinking the same thing over, and over again day in, and day out?
Empty your mind, sit still, close your eyes, and breath for just a minute.
Did you feel that? That's you! That's the universe! That is everything that ever was and will ever be! That is the secret of life! That you are a miraculous thing!  You shape your life, and the lives of people around you, just by what you think! Be still... It's amazing what listening to the things around you, and hearing, and feeling your own breath rolling over your lips, and tongue can do for your mental health... You are ALIVE! You are a walking, talking miracle... You have all the tools you need inside of you for happiness and peace, and for the happiness and the peace of others.
Sit still, be calm, and listen to your body.
I would wish you luck, but you don't need it.