Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Inspiration for the struggling writer

Before you read any further, let’s get one thing straight. YOU ARE A WRITER! You may not be a working writer. You may not have made any money at it.  You may not have put much down on paper in quite a while. But if you paid for this article, I would wager you have written something in the past, which makes you a writer. Being a writer means you tell a story, give advice, and put it down on paper with the intention that people will read it, and get something out of it. Everyone has a story to tell, and you are no different.
Ok with that said, let me tell you what this article is about. This article is about the daily psychological struggles you as a writer go through. Being a writer myself, I know them well. Every problem I address here I have been through and still face on a daily basis when I sit down to write. This article will tell you how to get rid of those struggles, and let you realize that every one of them has been cultivated in your mind with the sole purpose to hinder your dreams.
Those struggles are as follows:
·        Procrastination
·        Fear
·        Laziness
·        Having a day job
·        Confidence in your writing  (thinking you’re writing is crap)
·        The myth called “Writers Block”
·        Wanting to give up
All of these problems are made up by you. I will show you why, and I will give you solutions to get rid of them.
This book is not a “how to” guide on how to become a writer. You already are one! That is the first problem that new writers face. You say to yourself  “ I wish I could be a writer.”  Well here’s the big secret. The magic wand swish you have been looking for to make your dreams of becoming a writer come true. Are you ready? The best way to become a writer is….. WRITE SOMETHING! It’s that simple. This article just helps you along in the process.
So now that we got that question taken care of, are you ready to tackle more important problems? Good! Keep reading!
I know what it’s like to think you have Writer’s Block
First thing you need to realize is “Writer’s Block” is a myth. If you truly had “Writer’s Block” you would be in a wheelchair somewhere drooling all over yourself. Saying you have “Writer’s Block” is like saying you’re mind has shut off, and there is nothing firing upstairs. Every day you are writing. Your texting (unless you are a hundred years old), you’re writing down a grocery list, you’re writing an email, your telling all your friends on Facebook about the funny thing your cat did. Hey there’s an idea! Write about your cat! Send him on an adventure! Just in the process of thinking is writing.
Want to read more? Find Inspiration for the struggling writer on Amazon or Smashwords.